Yulia Timoshenko

The real reason behind Ukraine’s sudden martial law (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and International Affairs and Security Analyst via Moscow, Mark Sleboda take a look at the real reason behind Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko’s Kerch Strait provocation, and how it has less to do with conflict towards Russia and more to do with self preservation, as Ukraine’s ‘8% approval rating’ President.
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The inept Kiev regime turns shamed Saakashvili into self-made political martyr

Yesterday, the Duran reported that Mikhail Saakashvili successfully entered Ukraine after he and his entourage literally pushed and shoved their way past border guards who were intent on keeping him out.
Now that he is in western Ukraine where he has been greeted by a group of visibly enthusiastic supporters, something unusual has happened. For the first time in many years, Mikhail Saakashvili is finding himself in a position of potential popularity.

The Propaganda War over Ukraine

Daily examination of the online headlines and news links found on the Kyiv Post allows any disinterested observer to conclude that it is a propaganda bullhorn for the provisional government; the one installed after the duly elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, was ousted in a violent anti-Russian coup. Thus, it was hardly a surprise when, on May 6, the propaganda bullhorn published an article of opinion by Oleh Tiahnybok that was riddled with rubbish.