
Interview 1014 – Financial Survival: Why the Dollar is Rising, and How it Will Fall

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-03-12%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]The USDX has been rising steadily since last summer...but why? Can it be sustained? Is the dollar due for a fall, and if so, what is going to take its place. Join James and Alfred for their weekly conversation on finance and politics as they discuss the dollar, the Fed, the Eurozone, the yuan, the SDR, and the fate of the global economy.

Interview 949 – Financial Survival: US to Stay in Afghanistan

Every week, James joins Alfred Adask on the Financial Survival program to discuss the latest geopolitical and economic news from around the globe. This week they discuss the CDC patenting of Ebola, the US-Afghan security agreement to keep US troops in the country beyond the 2014 “pullout,” and the ongoing internationalization of the yuan.
Episode 293 – The Ebola Effect