Yinon Plan

The Politics of Multiculturalism

It is particularly ironic that the Zionist-controlled media are pushing the agenda of multiculturalism in Europe while insisting on the right of Israel, the world’s only racist, apartheid state, to exist. At the same time, the conditions for this artificial, dystopian form of multiculturalism involve the destruction of some of the world’s most successful multi-racial states such as Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria and, if they succeed, possibly Eritrea.

Syria Airstrikes, the Oil/Gas Heist, Cameron’s Phantom Army & the Myth of the Moderate Fighters…

Weeks now after the ‘Syria Vote’ in UK parliament and the initiation of British bombing against ISIL targets in Syria, the talk has once again – inevitably and predictably – begun to turn back to the ‘Assad Must Go’ script. This was in spite of a brief interval following Russian intervention and the Paris attacks […]