Yellow Vests

Claim that Russian media buy SM accounts to rock France is fake news – Moscow on Macron’s interview

RT | February 5, 2019 French President Emmanuel Macron is spreading fake news to undermine the work of the Russian media, if his recent interview with Le Point is anything to go by, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said. Before Yellow Vests went out to the streets in the twelfth weekend of consecutive mass demonstrations […]

Red Scarves counter protest fizzles as Yellow Vests enter Act 12 (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss ACT 12 of the Yellow Vests protests in France, which saw the French Police turn violent against protestors.
Meanwhile the Red Scarves counter protest (which surfaced last week in France during ACT 11 of the Yellow Vest protests) has all but fizzled away, gaining little momentum and traction despite, heavy main stream media propping up.
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French Riot Police Shot Yellow-Vest Organizer in the Eye with Rubber Bullet, Leaving Him Handicapped for Life

Jerome Rodrigues, a 40-year old construction worker, known for his role in organizing Yellow Vest protests, was struck in the eye with a 'flashball' rubber bullet by police. Rodrigues warned protesters to leave the Bastille due to far-left "black bloc" agitators who had arrived to attack the police.