Yehuda Shaul

Israeli soldiers speak out on abuse of Palestinians in the occupied territories

 “The way we passed those night patrols was to bang on random houses, no reason and we’d go in, wake everyone up, men in one room, women in another, mess everything up, onto the next house.  “That night we wanted to watch the match so we were looking for a house that had a satellite dish. We found one, went in and locked the family in the basement while we watched the match. Why wouldn’t we? That’s what we do in the occupied territories.

Yehuda Shaul says disturbing images represent norm in occupied territories

On Reading Morani Kornberg-W​eiss’ “Dear Darwish”

Vacy Vlazna
Dear Morani


“We who are born here on this divine land, we who are dedicated to the message of peace and freedom and the defense of human values, and of the strength of the olive tree…we declare our presence as a wound crying in the depths of time and space in spite of the tempests which try to rend our roots from the very earth to which we gave our name.” Mahmoud Darwish at the 50th anniversary of the Nakba*