Year in Review

2013 in Review -- A Prayer to the Janitor of Lunacy,* Part 4: A great anniversary approaches!

Plus more "Quote of the Year" nominees[*TO MEET THE JANITOR OF LUNACY, SEE PART 1]by NoahOne of the greatest anniversaries in our nation’s history will happen this year. Forty years ago, on August 9, 1974, President Richard Nixon resigned! It was either that or certain removal from office via impeachment, and it was bipartisan. That’s how bad it was.

2013 in Review -- A Prayer to the Janitor of Lunacy,* Part 3: No Cruz Control

[*TO MEET THE JANITOR OF LUNACY, SEE PART 1]Can you tell when this fellow is fibbing? Rafael "Ted" Cruz pretends that the government shutdown wasn't his doing! (And oh yes, he's got a coloring book!)by NoahRepublicans, with the help of their vast assortment of cloying, butt-kissing media allies, keep pushing the envelope. America accepted George W. Bush. The media loved him. He was from Texas. He was President Assclown.So what does the Crackpot Party do next?

2013 in Review -- A Prayer to the Janitor of Lunacy,* Part 2: Remember when Reagan cut funds for insane asylums?

Storms, guns, bombs, free stuff, and the secret gay life of Obama: Some top Republican lies of 2013[*TO MEET THE JANITOR OF LUNACY, SEE PART 1]Plum loco, stone stoopid, or pathologically dishonest? You be the NoahI'm calling this "Some top Republican lies" because everyone else does "Top 10s" or "Top 20s," but I see no reason to come up with some arbitrary round number.