Year in Review

A “Craig's List” For Republicans- Republican World 2015 In Review- Chapter Three

-By NoahWhat if Republicans had their own version of Craigslist; a place where Republicans could sell goods and services to other Republicans? Knowing what we do of the Republican world and the minds of those who live in it, it might look very much like this. Let’s call it Buchanan’s List after hate-mongering culture warrior Pat Buchanan. It just seems to fit.Buchanan’s List:1.

The Real Reason The Republican Establishment Doesn’t Like Donald Trump. It's Republican World: 2015 In Review- Chapter Two

-by NoahTo put it most simply, what the Republican establishment and their corporate media lackies don’t like about Herr Donald Trump the most is that he has so blatantly, so clearly, revealed the Republican Party for exactly what it is.At the start of 2015, the media folks were all excited about the 2016 Presidential election being a Clinton vs. a Bush race. How’s that for imagination?

Jade Helm 15. Republican World 2015 In Review-Chapter One

-by NoahWhat better example of the 2015 republican state of mind could I use to begin my 2015 review of Republican World than the classic, all too typical, paranoid Republican fantasy of Jade Helm 15?It wasn’t enough when the denizens of Republican World convinced themselves that they better vote against Obama, not just because he’s one of "those people" but because he was going to "take away our guns." Well, two elections came and went, and no guns were confiscated.

2015 In Review: The Introduction-- It's Republican World!

By Noah Introduction: Being A Republican Is A Choice.What is Republican World? It’s not an amusement park. We are definitely not amused. No, Republican World is a hideous freakshow that half of the country’s population has chosen as a lifestyle. It’s a lot more than the insanity of Trump, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Fiorina, Huckster and the rest of the party’s bizarre collection of miscreants running to be the party’s nominee for president.

Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 12

• Arizona Republican protests busload of YMCA Campers• Crazyspeak of the Year nominees No. 15: the Impeachment Variations (group nomination)• Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 16: NM Rep. Steve PearceIn Part 12 we pay tribute to Arizona GOP congressional hopeful Adam Kwasman, the genius who decided it would help his primary bid to vent media outrage over a busful of supposedly terrified illegral-immigrant kiddie laborers -- who turned out to be, literally, YMCA happy campers.

Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 8

• Things to come: Forward into the past! (11 Presidential Dream Tickets)• Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 9: Former republican VP nominee Paul "Crazy Eyes" Ryan• Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 10: Bryan Fischer of the American Family AssociationYou Can't Make This Stuff Up Dept.: On FOX "News" for March 3, "America's Mayor" makes known his preference for Vladimir Putin over President Obama: "Putin makes a decision, and he executes it, quickly. . . . That's what you call a leader." (See Presidential Dream Ticket #2.)