Year in Review

Republican Of The Year Nominee #4: It’s A Sad Thing When Cousins Marry Edition

2016 In Review: America Off The Rails, Part 9Um, Rudy, near the end there, do you realize what you're saying?by NoahBefore I get to the winner of my little Republican Of The Year contest (in tomorrow's installment), I thought it would be downright mean of me to leave out some other participants. I call them not just deplorables but also Dishonorable Mentions.I also want to mention that I am not one who believes in that every-participant-gets-a-trophy nonsense. But I do want to give my No. 4 pairing below an award. I did, after all, declare Michigan's own Lex Luthor, Gov.

Trump -- The Art And Acts Of The Emboldened: The Rise In Hate Crimes Under The Influence Of Comrade T

2016 In Review: America Off The Rails, Part 8[Click to enlarge.]by NoahThere have always been hate crimes, but now, since Comrade Trump's incessant hateful spew has become a daily segment of news coverage, according to the FBI there has been a 67% uptick in hate crimes just against Muslims.

Republican Of The Year Nominee #3: Governors' Edition

2016 In Review: America Off The Rails, Part 7You bet, Maine's Paulie No-Brains is a contender!by NoahIt’s not easy to pick the primo nominees for Republican Of The Year. For this installment of America Off The Rails, I’ve decided to narrow the field to just republican governors. Still, so many choices, so little time! It’s daunting. Where does one start? How does one judge?Do we go by racism? No. Too easy and too all-encompassing.

Comrade Trump: The World’s Worst Cabinet Maker, Believe Me -- Meet The New Russian Oligarchs! (2)

2016 In Review: America Off The Rails, Part 6A man with a planby NoahYesterday we began our look at the great Americans who have been named by President-elect Trump to the highest ranks of the Executive Branch. It's not exactly the band of swamp-draining populist fighters-for-the-people one might have expected from his campaign rhetoric. In fact, it is so heavily weighted with pillars of our elites, not to mention pillars of prosperity, that I dubbed them Comrade Trump's New Russian Oligarchs.

Comrade Trump: The World’s Worst Cabinet Maker, Believe Me -- Meet The New Russian Oligarchs! (1)

2016 In Review: America Off The Rails, Part 5"Donald Trump and I agree that it's time to make America cook again." How did Comrade Trump miss him?by NoahJesus was a carpenter, and since Trump and his hypnotized followers think he’s the new Messiah, the new Jesus, it follows that Comrade Trump could build us some very nice cabinets, no? Well, not if you had any regard for whatever you put in them. Your dishes in the kitchen? Crash!Same with the United States of America: It’s not just the Trump cabinet nominations, it’s all of his appointments to "his" administration.

Republican Of The Year Nominee #2: R-R-Reince Priebus

America Off The Rails, Part 4by NoahBack in 2011, the Republican Party, horrified that Barack Obama had integrated the White House two years previously, was looking for a man, the right man, who could properly audition the leading points of light in the party, with the idea of finding the perfect leader that could retake the White House and lead the party in its decades-long dream of fascism for America.As it turned out, the man they chose to direct

The Trumpf Inauguration Committee Finds The Perfect Inauguration Entertainment At Last!

2016 In Review: America Off The Rails, Part 3by NoahThere have been a lot of stories lately about the difficulties Herr Trumpf's troops have had finding people who want to perform at his inauguration. His entertainment committee can't even find a local or regional high school marching band that's willing to participate. Such bands always participate; not this time.

Republican Of The Year Nominee #1: Newt Gingrich

2016 In Review: America Off The Rails, Part 2Mr. Republican performs for his orange-top NoahAs part of this year’s review, fittingly titled “America Off The Rails,” I plan on pointing out several nefarious republican “notables” who exemplify the fetid and putrid essence of what it is to be a republican. They will be my nominees for Republican of the Year.

Profiles In Cowardice: The Electoral College

2016 In Review: America Off The Rails, Part 1[Click to enlarge]by NoahAmerica has always been very resilient. Its success and ability to persevere in the face of adversity has been secured by a spirited belief in American ideals and by the political infrastructure laid out by the Founding Fathers and the Constitution that was meant to encourage those ideals.