Year in Review

Rushin’ To Destruction: 2019 In Review, Part 8-- Trump Puts Himself On The Couch And Gives You His Deepest Thoughts, Via Tweet

-by NoahI’m pretty sure the folks who invented twitter never thought of the possibility of twitter in the hands of a president with the severe mental disorders that the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has. Can you imagine if Bill Clinton had spent the last 90 days tweeting out “Perfect Blow Job!

Rushin’ To Destruction-2019 In Review, Part 7-- It’s The BeBesters! America’s #1 Most Hideous Family!

-by NoahYep. Oranges don’t fall far from the tree. In this case, the tree is a giant round-ish, blubbery mutant orange tree with a vagina neck and orange science-defying flab-padded branches to match its obese cellulite farm legs that are rooted in some long ago god-forsaken hell-hole of a shithole land some call Mar-a-Lago and some just call Florida.

Rushin’ To Destruction, Part 5-- Melania: A Wife

-by NoahWhat do we call this woman, this one half of the FLOTUS & BLOTUS combo? Should we call her First Ho? Queen Melanoma? Miss Money Honey? Lady Orange Dick? Money B. Best? Mommy Weirdest? Miss Chain Migration 2006? The Grabbed Pussy That Stuck? Lindsey Graham’s Worst Nightmare?I really don’t care, do you? All of the above will suffice. All I care about is what she knows. She made a dark choice and she lives with it.

Rushin’ To Destruction, 2019 In Review, Part 4-- Quotes Of The Year! Number One: Status Quo Joe Biden!

-by NoahMore often than not, I write about idiotic things uttered by republicans in my year end reviews. Face it. It’s too easy, an endless bounty of low-hanging fruit and all that. So why Joe Biden? Why not? He’s just a Republican with a ‘D’ next to his name, so yeah, why not, indeed.Howie writes a lot about Status Quo Joe so there’s no need for me to say much.

Rushin’ To Destruction: 2019 In Review, Part 3-- As Florida Goes, So Goes The Nation: The Year In “Florida Man,” With An Extra Nod To Trumpanzee, aka President Florida Man!

-by NoahIn presidential politics, it has become “As Florida goes, so goes the nation.” They used to say that about Ohio and, god knows, both major parties throw a ton of cash down in both states but it now seems that both parties are particularly desperate to win Florida every four years, and, whether it’s “Jeb” Bush or Rick Scott, there is no election law or sleaze barrier that can’t be broken. When it comes to presidential politics, it matters bigly who the governor is and Bush and Scott are two of the worst on the Florida Man list.

Rushin’ To Destruction: 2019 In Review, Part 1-- Smell The Fear! All Republicans And Too Many Democrats React Badly To AOC

-by NoahTo be fair, and I’m always fair, it’s not just typical Republican goons who fear Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Conservative Democrats like Cheri Bustos and Nancy Pelosi were filled with befuddlement and consternation when AOC took over the seat that had been held by rightwing Democrat Joe Crowley, a man whose aversion to interacting with the people of his own district cost him dearly. Now, useless drags on society like Ms.

2018 In Review: The Paul Ryan Obituary, Homicidal Maniac With A Pen. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 6.

by NoahSpeaker Paul "Crazy Eyes" Ryan, the pride of Janesville, Wisconsin, is almost Ex-Speaker Paul "Crazy Eyes" Ryan now. On the long list of Speakers of the House, Ryan's tainted name will forever linger towards the bottom of the Speaker quality list. The mystery should be how did such a profoundly unqualified person get as far as he did, but, then you look around him and it adds a perfect perspective.