Yassir Arafat

Calls for “Intifada!” in Lebanon’s Camps

 Denying justice and blocking elementary civil rights for Palestinians in Lebanon is subverting peace in this region and the “terrorist-takfiri” elements are manipulating this reality to establish bases in Lebanon’s camps. This, as jihadists prepare an “Intifada” advocating “Revolution until Victory” on this 33rd anniversary of the Zionist encouraged massacre at Sabra-Shatila.

33 years after the Massacre at Sabra-Shilta…..
by Franklin Lamb

The Dahlan factor – by Dr. Joseph Massad

Editors Note: Al Jazeera English has once again removed an article by Columbia University professor Joseph Massad hours after publishing it. The article, “The Dahlan Factor,” appeared for several hours on the Qatar-based broadcaster’s website this morning at this link, but was later removed without explanation (the full article is republished below).

French whore gives Zionism a blow job

 by Alan Hart
I don’t wish to offend readers other than perhaps those of the parties of my headline, but I have to say that it, the headline, was the first thought that came into my mind when I learned from the BBC that, according to leaks to the French media, a team of French scientists do not believe Arafat was poisoned and that he died of a “generalized infection.”

Arafat’s Death – There’s really no mystery

Arafat’s Death – There’s really no mystery

by Alan Hart
For once Israel is telling a part of the truth. It was impossible for any of its own (Israeli-Jewish) agents to get into the rubble of Arafat’s compound to administer the poison that killed him. But they didn’t need direct access. Israel’s role was to provide the radioactive polonium for one of its collaborators in Fatah’s leadership.