
Yahoo Plans "Smart Billboards" That Watch and Listen To You

Smart billboards in the movie Minority Reportby Gaius PubliusThose billboards in the movie Minority Report, the ones that watch you, listen as you speak, then address you by name? They're on the drawing board at Yahoo. You can look at this product as another form of "targeted marketing," like when the google sends ads your way based on the latest text in your gmail account.

Bi-partisan For The Sake Of America, Not For The Sake Of Wall Street

Justin and Ted-- good bipartisanshipIn DC, there's good bipartisan and there's bad bipartisan. Bad bipartisan, which is far, far more prevalent, usually revolves around corruption like, for example, when Wall Street whores from both sides of the aisle-- lets' say Republican Sean Duffy (WI) and New Dem Patrick Murphy (FL)-- get together to try to hobble the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.