
Now That It's Been Established That Trump's Appeal Is Fascist, Is It Also Xenophobic?

I had a very high draft lottery number. There was no way I would be drafted after college. However, it made me sick to see what my country was doing to Vietnam, and it made me sick to imagine that my tax dollars were somehow paying for that. So l wound up living overseas for the duration of the war.

Wall Street Journal: "A Party Whose Preoccupation Is Deporting Children Is Going To Alienate Many Conservatives"

For the rest of this election cycle-- probably for the rest of a couple of election cycles-- all congressional Republicans are Steve King. The House Republican Caucus never elected him to a leadership position, but the deranged, sometimes delusional, racist fanatic was handed the reins of power by the de facto head of the Republican Party, Ted Cruz, their likely 2016 presidential nominee.