Russia warns West of retaliation over asset grab

from RT: The US is reportedly pushing the G7 to expropriate $300 billion in frozen funds Russia will retaliate in kind to the potential confiscation of its assets by Western countries, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Friday. Russian authorities have assessed the unpredictability of the opposing side, as well as their tendency to […]

Top 5 Powerful Russian Weapons That Shattered Myth of NATO’s Superiority in 2023

from Sputnik News: 2023 will be remembered as the year that the fearsome reputation of NATO’s pricey, high-tech weaponry and military equipment came crashing down after running into the force of Russian arms. Sputnik asked five leading Russian and US military experts for their takes on the top five Russian weapons of the outgoing year. […]

US And Israel Ensure Palestinians Will Spend Christmas In Living Hell

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project: (TruthOut) As our hopes for an extended ceasefire are dashed and Israel’s war on Gaza is now in its third month, the dire conditions that Palestinians are living under — hunger, lack of drinking water, infectious diseases, displacement, and fear of dying from the nonstop bombardment — continue […]