worst Members of Congress

Worst Democraps In Congress-- Time For NRA Champion Anthony Brindisi

Brindisi addressing other right-wing fake DemocratsThere are just 10 Democrats left who haven't come out for an impeachment inquiry. It's probably the final list-- cowardly careerists afraid of losing their seats. These are the final 10-- 9 Blue Dogs and someone who should be tossed out of the Progressive Caucus-- with Trump's 2016 win numbers in their districts:

Are There Any Arch-Villains Who Could Lose Their House Seats Next Week?

Yes, "House," so we won't be talking about Ted Cruz, the only Senate arch-villain up for reelection this cycle. Every House seat is up for reelection and a case could be made that's they're all arch-villains since they all enable Trump. Do they? Well, yes... but some enable Trump more than others. FiveThirtyEight has Trump adhesion scores and there are only 5 "perfect" scores.

Are There Any Arch-Villains Who Could Lose Their House Seats Next Week?

Yes, "House," so we won't be talking about Ted Cruz, the only Senate arch-villain up for reelection this cycle. Every House seat is up for reelection and a case could be made that's they're all arch-villains since they all enable Trump. Do they? Well, yes... but some enable Trump more than others. FiveThirtyEight has Trump adhesion scores and there are only 5 "perfect" scores.

The Worst Of The Worst-- Next Year's Most Horrible Members Of Congress

Without Steve Israel's incompetence, Glenn Grothman wouldn't be on his way to becoming a Member of CongressThere are some close House races that may not be decided until 3 weeks from today. But the vast majority of the 435 elections have already been decided. Because of gerrymandering, some districts are so red or so blue that the incumbents don’t have electoral opponents.