Worst Democraps Who Want To Be President

Do You Know Anyone Who Says "Vote Blue No Matter Who" Who Isn't An Insufferable Cretin?

That's a powerful statement from Bernie on how existentially crucial it is to defeat Trump. Not a word though about electing Status Quo Joe. That sums it up for almost everyone I know: hold your nose and elect the worst Democratic nominee for president since... let me see... there have been some real stinkers... ummm... Biden is worse than Hillary, who was so bad she even lost to Donald Trump. Biden is worse than Gore who was another Senate conservative and who picked Joe Lieberman as VP, making it impossible for progressives to vote for the ticket.

The Worst Democraps Who Want To Be President, Part VI: The Starbucks Guy

The Starbucks guy deserves a 60 Minutes feature? Do they think he's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or something? He isn't. He's just another super-rich, under-taxed old white guy who thinks he should be king. I think 60 Minutes would be better off-- as would America-- if they ran an interview with author Marianne Williamson, who is announcing her campaign tonight in Los Angeles. She sure has more interesting things to say than Schultz does!

Did Kirsten Gillibrand's Interview With Jake Tapper Yesterday End Any Chance She May Have Had For A Place On A National Ticket?

I'm not the only one who's noticed that Trump would have probably been happier as a TV critics than as a failed, illegitimate fake-president. And, sure enough, former White House aide Cliff Sims' new book, Team of Vipers described Trump as he watched TV in his private dining room off the Oval Office: "He consumed TV like the late Roger Ebert must have watched movies...

There Are Democrats... And Then There Are Democrats-- They're Not Interchangeable

Rolling Stone's politics guy, Matt Taibbi welcomed the new version of the Weekly Standard (RIP), The Bulwark by noting that "Neoconservatives, the architects of the War on Terror, are the political version of Jason in Friday the 13th: You can never bank on them being completely dead. They just hide under a log until the next funder appears."