
The UAE, Saudi Arabia, US, and UK are Complicit in Committing War Crimes in Yemen

I’ve previously written concerning [Yemen, The War That Should Have Never Been And How To Achieve Peace: Countercurrents: 13/02/2022] the fact the War in Yemen should never have occurred in the first place and the what and how required to achieve peace; either by dividing Yemen in two, North and South Yemen as per the pre-1990 borders, or under a[Read More...]

False Predictions About Russia Invading Ukraine Are Making People Fear WW3

If you have been following the mainstream NATO member-state media over the past few weeks, you may be now fearing another world war. Here is why you should not be listening to these discredited mouth pieces for corporate governments in the West. On the third of February, the White House indicated that “intelligence information” supposedly Read More...

Anti-Government Protest In Syria Threatens Renewed Round Of Violence

Damascus is no longer fighting militants on the battlefield, for now, but the economic and corruption battles it has been forced to take on following the occupation may plunge it back into the chaos that erupted in 2011. On the 7th of February anti-Government protesters, in Syria’s Suwayda, took to the streets in the hundreds Read More...

Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Palestinian Teenager, Cause Clashes In Sheikh Jarrah & Face Armed Resistance

On Saturday, Israeli settlers accompanied by extremist Knesset member, Itamar Ben-Gvir, sparked protests in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. What happened next sends a strong message about the way in which Palestinians are directing their struggle. Sheikh Jarrah became an international focal point of attention last May, as Israeli settlers were filmed admitting Read More...

Palestinian Factions Revolt Against PA Which “Cancels” Security Coordination With Israel

Palestinian Authority (PA) President, Mahmoud Abbas, announced the cancellation of the Oslo Accords and the end of security coordination between the PA and Israel again this week, following the assassination of three Palestinians in Nablus. This is not enough to blind the Palestinian people to the true nature of PA rule. On February 9, a Read More...

US moves embassy from Ukraine’s capital Kiev to the western city of Lviv

Amid an ongoing war frenzy in the American media, the US cleared out its embassy in the Ukrainian capital Kiev and relocated its diplomatic staff 340 miles west to Lviv, near the border with Poland. Since Thursday, the Biden administration and the corporate press have peddled unsubstantiated allegations that a Russian invasion is “imminent,” naming Wednesday as a potential date[Read More...]

Ukraine Standoff! Will cooler heads prevail?  

The drums of war are beating again! It is at the border between Russia and Ukraine and in the corridors of the power elites in Washington. It is kind of shocking to see the readiness for another war so soon among the Neocons considering the recent debacle in Afghanistan, an epic failure of a global power surrendering to a ragtag[Read More...]

US steals billions in Afghan bank funds

In an action that combines brazen theft, imperialist brutality and unlimited hypocrisy, the Biden administration announced Friday that it will seize control of $7 billion in Afghanistan financial assets, held largely at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, rather than return them to the Afghanistan central bank. Media attention has largely been devoted to Biden’s splitting of the $7[Read More...]