
Ukraine and the New Al Qaeda

The eruption of war between Russia and Ukraine appears to have given the CIA the pretext to launch a long-planned insurgency in the country, one poised to spread far beyond Ukraine’s borders with major implications for Biden’s “War on Domestic Terror” As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate and dominate the world’s Read More...

Russia-Ukraine War: Why Civil Resistance Doesn’t Work?

With Russia’s attack on Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the activities of the governments of various countries, all global institutions including the United Nations, embassies, media, subject experts etc. is firmly focused on the Russia-Ukraine war. After the Second World War, European leaders agreed that in the future, the soil of Europe would be kept free from wars. This happened[Read More...]

We’re Europeans, Christians, Whites!

Racist Ukraine coverage in mainstream Western media. Notice the racist overtones.  1. BBC “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed”  – Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze 2. CBS News “This isn’t Iraq or Afghanistan…This is a relatively civilised, relatively European city”  – CBS foreign correspondent Charlie D’Agata 3.[Read More...]

Ukraine updates

Many incidents are developing centering Ukraine, which are largely ignored by a major part of media. But these incidents help understand the real picture centering Ukraine. Racism Against Students A Rolling Stone report (‘Ugly, Unprofessional’: International Students Describe Racism at the Ukrainian Border, March 2, 2022) said: Since Thursday, Feb. 24, more than 660,000 people have fled Ukraine, according to the U.N.[Read More...]

Ukraine War, US/West’s War Hypocrisies, and Quest for a Rule-based World – Can UN Help?

“World Tour of Wars” Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is both illegal and immoral. While Russia’s concern that Ukraine’s decision to join NATO which also included the prospect of NATO setting up a missile base in Ukraine, 100 miles from Russia’s border, is genuine, this by no means is a justification for invading Ukraine. Russia should have continued to explore other[Read More...]

While Rightly Criticizing Putin, the West Should Also Look Inwards

Putin is the most criticized person in western countries today. Repeated criticism of the invasion unleashed by him is justified, both because of the enormous distress caused to the people of Ukraine and the very serious threats posed to world peace and stability. Mass protests against Ukraine’s invasion in several western countries are therefore justified. However the interests of world[Read More...]

Ukraine: Who is to blame? Кто виноват?

For people in Ukraine, the horror is just beginning. Hiding from bombardment in their basements, they will soon face hunger and then epidemics… And above them, on the streets – explosions, fire, the thunder of tanks, the whistle of bullets, the debris of fallen buildings, the cries of the wounded and dying, the foul smell of unburied corpses. But who[Read More...]

Searching My Roots in Ukraine: What I Learned and Re-learned in Kiev    

“Footfalls echo in the memory/ Down the passage which we did not take/ Towards the door we never opened/ Into the rose-garden.” (T. S. Eliot; from, “Four Quartets”) 1. Recent, shattering world events, have prompted me to check my files to reconsider any past references I’d made to Ukraine.  I found a short note to a correspondent/friend from about 10[Read More...]

West Rightly Supports Ukraine But Ignores Brutally Occupied Palestine

Both the Russian occupation of  Ukraine and the Apartheid Israeli occupation of Palestine are wrong, violate international law, and have been hugely destructive.  However a racist and specifically anti-Arab anti-Semitic West (the Anglosphere, NATO  and the EU) utterly ignores the Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine while quite rightly condemning and sanctioning  Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. This[Read More...]