
Slaveroo @ Deliveroo – Platform Labor

by Thomas Klikauer and Meg Young The advent of Tim Berners-Lee’s newly coded Internet has not only given us Google with 86.9bn site visitors per month, wearables transmitting our heartbeats to profit making so-called “health” corporations, and Apps like Tinder, the Internet has also changed our cities and how we order the food we eat. It converted our cities into[Read More...]

US Gov & Corporate Media Desperately Attempt To Rewrite History To Hide The Truth About Ukraine

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/7/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

Russian government cracks down on media and protests

In an effort to forestall the eruption of significant popular opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Putin government is systematically banning news outlets and social media platforms in the country. The government is simultaneously cracking down on still as of yet small anti-war protests in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and other cities. On Friday, Russia’s federal agency for information technology[Read More...]

Russian Invasion Threatens All Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants

Ukraine and Russia should negotiate an agreement to protect plant personnel and allow safe shift changes as well as emergency preparedness and response activities. Russian troops in Ukraine seized Europe’s biggest nuclear power plant Friday after shelling set part of the complex on fire, ringing alarm bells around the world of a potential nuclear disaster. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of waging[Read More...]

A Strong Case for Resurgence of Non-Alignment Movement

NAM has a new resonance in the fast-changing world In recent times the world situation has changed very swiftly, with the world getting closer and closer to getting divided between two blocks, one led by Russia and China, and the other led by the USA and its NATO allies. Other countries may face various pressures from one or the other[Read More...]

Japan: ‘Sharing’ Nuclear Weapons

Following the outbreak of war in Ukraine, after some slight hesitancy Japan joined the European Union, the US, and other countries in both condemning Russia’s military invasion and placing strong economic sanctions on Russia. However, even while condemning Russia, a group of conservative politicians, headed by former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, saw an opportunity the pursue what has long been[Read More...]

Ukraine Update: U.S. Oil Prices Briefly Soared Above $130 Amid Concerns Of Chaos In Commodity Flows

Values for U.S. oil soared Sunday evening, driving prices above $125 a barrel in electronic trade as discussions about a ban on Russian oil heated up following the Ukraine crisis. Oil prices have soared to the highest level since 2008 after the U.S. said it was discussing a potential embargo on Russian supplies with its allies. Brent crude – the[Read More...]

Advertising Gimmicks: Australia’s Nuclear-Powered Submarines

Never trust anything that comes out of a politician’s mouth in an election year.  Pledges are made to be broken; promises are made to seduce, not convince.  When the subject matter involves fictional submarines, even greater care should be taken. The prolonged, costly nightmare of Australia’s submarine policy took another turn on March 6.  The Defence Minister Peter Dutton could[Read More...]

Would a “Cold” War Be the Best News Around?

Ukraine, Taiwan, and Other Flashpoints in a New Age of Geopolitics Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been widely described as the beginning of a new cold war, much like the old one in both its cast of characters and ideological nature. “In the contest between democracy and autocracy, between sovereignty and subjugation, make no mistake — freedom will prevail,” President[Read More...]

Putin says Ukrainian statehood in jeopardy

Media reports said: Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Saturday that Ukrainian statehood is in jeopardy and likened the West’s sanctions on Russia to “declaring war,” while a promised cease-fire in the besieged port city of Mariupol collapsed amid scenes of terror. Putin continued to pin the blame for the war squarely on the Ukrainian leadership and slammed their resistance to the invasion. “If[Read More...]