
Anti-war demonstrations continue in Russia, despite mass repression

Anti-war protests are continuing in Russia, despite aggressive police repression and a battery of new laws criminalizing opposition to the war in Ukraine. According to the Russian-language human rights project OVD-Info, which receives funding from the European Commission, 668 people had been detained in 36 cities as of the end of the day yesterday. The previous weekend saw around 10 times as many[Read More...]

Pregnant Mother and Baby Photographed After Hospital Bombing by Russia Did Not Survive

Captured in one of the most visceral and painful photographs yet taken of the carnage and human suffering underway in Ukraine, a pregnant woman and her unborn child died from the injuries suffered during a Russian bombing of a maternity hospital in the city of Mariupal last week. According to the Associated Press, whose photographer Evgeniy Maloletka took the picture “epitomizing the horror of an[Read More...]

A Planet Imperiled by Greed-Fueled Climate Crisis and War

It’s a tragic truth that some people are willing to inflict unfathomable suffering and death for the sake of power and wealth. From Russia’s aggression in Ukraine to the push for continued climate-altering fossil fuel expansion, selfish gain means more to some than the health and well-being of our children and grandchildren and those yet to be born. Take the decades-spanning efforts[Read More...]

Appeal of the members of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences to the world scientific Community

Информация взята с портала «Научная Россия» ( We, members of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, appeal to scientists from Russia and all over the world. The long-term confrontation in Ukraine, accompanied by the death and deprivation of civilians, has grown into an acute military conflict.

Al-Qaeda Fighting For Ukraine, Ukrainian False Flag Exposed & Putin Responsible For Biden’s Senility

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/13/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

War in Ukraine: We all lose

We are all losers in this conflict. It didn’t have to come to this. If leaders and policymakers had shown some wisdom and understanding over the last few decades, things never would have reached this point. In fairness, a few of them did, only to be overridden by the short-sighted, the greedy, the arrogant, the ignorant, the power-hungry and the[Read More...]

Russia Bombs Ukrainian Military Base Near Border of NATO Member Poland

Russian forces on Sunday bombed a Ukrainian military facility located just 22 miles from the border of NATO member Poland, killing at least 35 people and injuring dozens more. Prior to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the facility hosted NATO drills and U.S. troops used it to train Ukrainian forces on the deployment of anti-tank missiles and other weaponry. The base has been described as “a vital link in[Read More...]

Business as Usual: Facebook, Russia and Hate Speech

Seedy, compromised and creepy, the surveillance machine of Facebook, now operating under the broader fold of its parent company Meta Platforms, is currently giving out the very signals that it was condemned for doing before: encourage discussions on hating a group and certain figures, while spreading the bad word to everyone else to do so. The Russian Federation, President Vladimir[Read More...]

The political hypocrisy in the West is normal behavior!

The Ukrainian president’s suggestion that peace talks with Russia held in Jerusalem should be ridiculous. He does not want the Russians to occupy his country, so he calls for a meeting in an already occupied country. This, In addition to the fact that the Ukrainian president is Zionist par excellence and supported the Zionist state in its recent war on[Read More...]