
US Generals Advocate Re-Entering Wars In Middle East & Africa

This Tuesday US General’s told congress that withdrawing from wars in the Middle East and Africa was a bad idea and advocated that the “forever wars” continue to wage on, all as the US Government starves Afghanistan. In 2020, former US President, Donald Trump, ordered the withdrawal of American forces from Somalia and promised the Read More...

Propaganda 101: Ukraine 2022  

During 2011, NATO bombed a path to Tripoli to help its proxy forces on the ground oust Gaddafi. Tens of thousands lost their lives and much of Libya’s social fabric and infrastructure lay in ruins. The 2016 article appearing in Foreign Policy Journal ‘Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libyan Intervention’ exposed why Libya was targeted. Gaddafi was murdered and his plans[Read More...]

Ukraine Update: Confusion In The West

Ukraine scene is confusing the West. Today’s Washington Post main headline said: Zelensky’s end game a mystery to the West Mixed signals about the status of a peace deal have heightened anxiety about the trajectory of the talks The Washington Post report said: ‘“There are people in Ukraine who say ‘we don’t want to hear about talks, we want to[Read More...]

Starving a People, Committing a Genocide: Biden’s Sanctions on Afghanistan

When the United States stole $7 billion from Afghanistan on February 11, that was no mere crime of robbery. It was a war crime and a crime against humanity that condemns possibly millions of Afghans to starvation. In short, prelude to genocide. Biden prevaricates about his excuse for this outright theft of Afghan funds, namely compensating the 9/11 victims. The[Read More...]

The War in Ukraine Is Sending Russia-China Relations in New Directions

While the Ukraine crisis may put some strain on the Chinese-Russian relationship, it has also spurred deeper collaboration between them. Based on a shared desire to undermine the United States’ global order, their constructive partnership will not only endure the blowback from the Ukrainian invasion but is likely to expand. With the world’s attention focused on Ukraine in the weeks[Read More...]

Resisting Platform Capitalism

 by Thomas Klikauer and Meg Young It is undeniable that traditional labor relations have changed fundamentally since digitization has entered workplaces converting parts of capitalism into platform capitalism. This marks one of the biggest challenges for organized labor in recent years. Two significant waves of corporate restructuring have been triggered by the introduction of new digital technologies. The first wave[Read More...]

Israeli Occupation Forces Kill 3 Palestinians Within Hours

Israeli occupation forces killed two Palestinians in the West Bank and another in the Negev area, in raid operations, leaving many others injured and one other in critical condition. Israeli violence has significantly escalated against Palestinians since the beginning of Russias invasion of Ukraine. “We warn Israel that things are heading towards an explosion if Read More...

Can The Iran Nuclear Deal Succeed, And What About Russia?

The negotiations over the possible revival of the Iran Nuclear Deal have come to another temporary halt, as all sides indicate they are near concluding a deal. However, demands from Russia over sanctions protection, for conducting deals with Iran, seem to have thrown a spanner in the works. Due to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, Read More...

Israel Passes Another Racist Law As The US Government Looks The Other Way

Israel’s Knesset passed another controversial bill, by a majority of votes, specifically designed to prevent Israeli citizens who marry Palestinians from passing on their citizenship. The bill has been criticized as another Apartheid law. The Israeli Knesset (Parliament) voted last week, 45-15, to pass a law which was originally enacted in 2003, that bars Israeli Read More...

NATO plays Russian roulette with nuclear weapons

Three weeks into the Ukraine war, all of the sides involved are taking ever greater risks. The hitherto unthinkable, a nuclear exchange in Europe, is being openly considered and built up as a threat. Voices of caution, restraint and appeals to reason have largely fallen silent. Despite the looming catastrophe, NATO is not prepared to compromise. In a televised speech[Read More...]