
Iraqi Parliament Stormed By “Anti-Iran Protesters” — What’s Really Going On?

On Wednesday Iraqi protesters, loyal to Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, stormed the nation’s parliament in protest of the nomination of Mohammed al-Sudani for Prime Minister. Reported by the Western media as a movement of the “masses”, were the protesters truly representative of a movement opposed to Iranian influence in Iraqi affairs as Western media suggest? Read More...

U.S. Contingency Military Plan For Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit

The Pentagon could send additional ships, aircraft and surveillance systems to protect US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if she proceeds with her plan to visit Taiwan, AP reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed US officials. A “contingency plan,” which is being developed by the U.S. military, involves creating “overlapping rings of protection” for the U.S. House speaker during her flight to[Read More...]

Mexico’s President Gives Joe Biden a Big History Lesson

Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) visited the United States on July 12 and offered five proposals to U.S. President Joe Biden. These proposals are based on AMLO’s in-depth knowledge of Mexican history and his reading of the economic crisis in the United States, which seems to be losing its edge as a global leader. The first of the proposals[Read More...]

Iran-Turkey-Russia Meetings And The New “New World Order”

A trilateral Russia-Iran-Turkey meeting that recently took place has been turning heads the world over, after talk of a new framework for Middle East affairs became a sticking point. So, just how consequential are such meetings at this time and is the talk of a “new world order” simply propaganda? A series of meetings as Read More...

From Bill Gates to the Great Refusal – Farmers on the Frontline  

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, most humans were engaged in agriculture. Our relationship with nature was immediate. Within just a few generations, however, for many people across the world, their link with the land has been severed. Food now arrives pre-packaged (often precooked), preserved with chemicals and contains harmful pesticides, micro-plastics, hormones and/or various other contaminants. We are also being[Read More...]

Australia’s 2 Top Universities Anti-Arab Anti-Semitic & Anti-Jewish Anti-Semitic

Australia’s 2 top universities, the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney, have both falsely defamed their anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish students as anti-Semitic for criticizing the appalling crimes of Israeli Apartheid, and have thus implicitly falsely defamed all  anti-racists everywhere who rightly condemn the  ongoing human rights abuses and  ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Apartheid Israel. These 2 top[Read More...]

Chaff Candidates: The Race for the UK Tory Leadership

As UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson set the scene in spectacular fashion.  All who sought to confine him to history, perished.  He was the only one who seemed to survive, and reject, one diabolical scandal after the next – till now. No leader with such a destructive sense of presence could do anything but impair those who followed him.  But[Read More...]

The US Boxes Itself in over Taiwan and Ukraine

Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the United States House of Representatives, is reportedly scheduled to visit Taipei in August 2022. The stated purpose is supporting Asian democracy. The trip has more than irked the Chinese. The trip has obviously not been approved by the one recognized government of China in Beijing. Some may downplay the speaker of the US House of[Read More...]

The Enduring Tyranny of Oil – War, Inflation, Geopolitical Rivalry, and Soaring World Temperatures

It may seem hard to believe, but only 15 years ago many of us were talking confidently about “peak oil” — the moment of maximum global oil output after which, with world reserves dwindling, its use would begin an irreversible decline. Then along came hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and the very notion of peak oil largely vanished. Instead, some analysts[Read More...]