
Korean War Monument Unveiling Pays Tribute to the Fallen

A long overdue tribute to honor each individual service member who gave their life during the 1950-1953 Korean War has finally been added to the Korean War monument here in Washington. In October of 2016, Congress enacted the “Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Act” (Public Law 114–230) with the stipulation that related costs for its implementation would not[Read More...]

The US Scrambles For Relevance By Addressing The Yemen War

Washington’s special envoy for Yemen is heading to both Saudi Arabia and Jordan, in an alleged effort to help a UN brokered ceasefire initiative to succeed. However, this visit seems to be little to do with Yemen and more about US power in the region. Whilst during US President Joe Biden’s first address on foreign Read More...

US carrier group heads toward Taiwan as Pelosi flies to Asia

The American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group, including a guided missile destroyer and cruiser, set out from Singapore on Monday heading toward the South China Sea and Taiwan. This deployment, clearly linked to the planned highly provocative visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, greatly heightens US military and political tensions with China, which[Read More...]

Chile’s Lithium Provides Profit to the Billionaires But Exhausts the Land and the People

by Vijay Prashad and Taroa Zúñiga Silva The Atacama salt flat in northern Chile, which stretches 1,200 square miles, is the largest source of lithium in the world. We are standing on a bluff, looking over la gran fosa, the great pit that sits at the southern end of the flat, which is shielded from public view. It is where the[Read More...]

China Warns U.S.: Those Who Play With Fire Will Perish By It

Taiwan is a part of China and the 1.4 billion Chinese will not tolerate any challenges to the country’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity, President Xi Jinping told his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, in a phone call on Thursday. Xi’s warning comes amid reports that U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is preparing to visit the island next month, something China[Read More...]

Facial Recognition Technology Down Under

The language is far from reassuring.  Despite being caught red handed using facial recognition technology unbeknownst to customers, a number of Australia’s large retail companies have given a meek assurance that they will “pause” their use.  The naughty will only show contrition in the most qualified of ways. It all began with an investigation by CHOICE which found that the[Read More...]

The Paranoid Nature of American Foreign and Domestic Policy

I have a brother with chronic schizophrenia. He had his first severe catatonic episode when he was 16 years old and I was 10. Later, he suffered from auditory hallucinations and heard voices saying nasty things to him. I remember my father reassuring him that the voices weren’t real and asking him whether he could ignore them. Sadly, it’s not that[Read More...]

Exponential Explosions Shake the World: Radical Reorganiztion Required

     It’s only a few months since last we wrote about the dangers of war, pandemics, and climate change reaching a climax (…), but already the crises are intensifying. Inflation, infection, injustice, impoverishment are all further endangering the lives of workers around the world.

Lessons from recent US history

For much of the period since the breakup of the Soviet Union, the US was politically, militarily and economically unchallenged. The US was now the world’s hegemon and, to remain dominant, it couldn’t allow powerful challengers to arise. This goal meant that the US viewed the relationship with nations such as Russia and China as a zero-sum game, thus reducing[Read More...]