
Europe Faces Worst Drought In 500 Years

Europe is facing its worst drought in 500 years. More than 60% of the EU and U.K.’s combined lands are now under drought warnings or alerts. Media including Reuters’ reports said: The source of the River Thames has dried up further downstream than ever before, as England looks set to enter a drought that some experts say the country is[Read More...]

This happens there in the US

The Trump-shelter-search incident is a new political occurrence in the US. Then, the interview came. Donald Trump, former US president, during an almost day-long interview with the New York attorney general, answered only a single question, and that was about his name. The interview was from about 9:30 a.m. to about 3 p.m., with a few breaks. That was an[Read More...]

Ukraine Is a Wake-Up Call for Europe

It is becoming clear that U.S. neoconservatives have succeeded in creating a warmongering, anti-Russian mood in Europe through an unprecedented information war, the consequences of which will take some time to assess. It is, however, possible to identify the signs of what is to come. Losers: We do not yet know who will win this war (or if anyone will win[Read More...]

Cosmology: Humanly Irrelevant

                         We have seen the startling images provided by the $10 billion James Webb telescope, images relentlessly hyped as an incredible scientific breakthrough by those involved in the research–but of no conceivable relevance or benefit to humanity as a whole.  I would venture to say that, in a moral-humanistic[Read More...]

The Decline and Fall of Everything (Including Me)

I find nothing strange in Joe Biden, at 79 (going on 80), being the oldest president in our history and possibly planning to run again in 2024. After all, who wouldn’t want to end up in the record books? Were he to be nominated and then beat the also-aging Donald Trump, or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, or even Fox News’s eternally popular Tucker Carlson, he would[Read More...]

Let’s Talk Turkey PART 1 … and I Don’t Mean the Country!!

Here’s what cracks me up on right wing European leaders’ anger over refugees flooding their nations. Recently, the fascist head of Hungary, Viktor Orban, gave his address to the CPAC neo fascist conference, you know, the one that Trump and cabal love so much. Orban doesn’t like all those refugees from the Middle East and North Africa inundating his beloved[Read More...]

Understanding Maduro’s successful socialist economic strategy

After years of calling Venezuela’s economy a dismal failure that demonstrates the dangers of socialism, Western media is now lauding its recovery for ’embracing capitalism’ — but this is not accurate, argues Francisco Dominguez In its intensely biased coverage of Venezuela during the hard years of 2014-21 the mainstream media wheeled in every imaginable academic pundit to “demonstrate” that the[Read More...]

MLK’s Historic Speech Has Increasing Relevance

Great speeches are those which address the most urgent issues of the time in such such a way as to bring out real solutions while exposing falsehoods. Greatest speeches are those which achieve this in such a way that their relevance increases with the passage of time and years later, even decades later, we can refer to them to improve[Read More...]

Arizona Tribes In The U.S. Face Water Crisis

Water is more than a commodity to the Indigenous peoples in the U.S. Tribes say water is life itself for the people, plants, animal life and the land itself. But many tribes people in Arizona are facing water crisis. A report by AZCentral | The Arizona Republic  — Arizona tribal water settlements stall in courtrooms, agency offices (Aug. 10, 2022,[Read More...]

A Looting Matter: Cambodia’s Stolen Antiquities

Cambodia has often featured in the Western imagination as a place of plunder and pilfering.  Temples and artefacts of exquisite beauty have exercised the interest of adventurers and buccaneers who looted with almost kleptocratic tendency. In 1924, the French novelist and future statesman André Malraux, proved himself one of Europe’s greatest adventurers in making off with a ton of sacred[Read More...]