
Resisting Nuclear Weapons in a Climate Crisis

On July 21, I was walking in the forests surrounding the German Air Force Base at Büchel in the Eifel Mountains with three Catholic Worker friends, Susan van der Hijden of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Susan Crane of Redwood City, California, and Christiane Danowski of Dortmund, Germany. We were there at the end of an “International Week” of protests against the approximately[Read More...]

The Manchurian Americans

If one reads Richard Condon’s 1958 novel The Manchurian Candidate or sees the original film (1962) or  its remake (2004) one would realize my comparison to today’s events. In the novel ( and films ) we see a patrol of US soldiers being captured and then brainwashed by the enemy. The ones who survive this terrible experience are returned home,[Read More...]

As Progressives Call for End to Blockade, Biden Announces More Sanctions Against Cuba

While President Joe Biden campaigned on a pledge to reverse the “failed” policies of his predecessor that “inflicted harm on Cubans and their families,” his administration—already under mounting pressure from progressives to deliver on that promise—announced new sanctions against Cuba on Friday. Following Cubans’ recent protests over shortages of food, medicine, and other essentials during the Covid-19 pandemic, the U.S.

Witness to Turbulent American Democracy:  The Paradox for Soul Searching of American Acclaimed Values

The Myriad Drama at the US Congressional Committee Hearings Nancy Pelosi, the US House Speaker wanted an independent and non-partisan congressional investigation into the January 6, 2021 Trump planned mobbed invasion of the US Congressional complex in Washington, D.C.  Its aim was to undo the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden- the President Elect according to the US Constitution.[Read More...]

The Crisis in Tunisia

On July 25, 2021, Tunisian President Kais Saied dismissed Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi, froze the parliament, suspended the legal immunity of parliament members and took control of the general prosecutor’s office. He warned against any armed response to his actions: “Whoever shoots a bullet, the armed forces will respond with bullets.” In the hours after Saied’s announcement, huge crowds gathered[Read More...]

UK scripts new Afghan plot for US

As often in modern history, Britain provides the plot for Washington to act. Russia, China, Iran are in the US crosshairs and Washington’s future agenda is principally oriented to blocking China’s Belt & Road, promoting regime change in Central Asia, using militant Islam as geopolitical tool, and consolidating a long-term presence in Afghanistan as a template of its Indo-Pacific strategy. [Read More...]

Need for a Change of the dominant Narrative in An Asian Century

The key players of the global power contest must realize that we are past the cold war era wherein two superpowers fought for global domination. Suppressing a rising China simply because it threatens the American leadership will not be the end of this diplomatic war that the U.S. seems to be embarking upon. The current world order is far from[Read More...]

COVID-19 Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated, Vaccine Hesitancy, Manufactured Dissent & Lying By Omission

We are all concerned for family, friends, community and Humanity as a whole in the COVID-19 Pandemic especially as the much more infectious Delta strain has become dominant. However many of us will be frustrated by family members and friends who variously are vaccine hesitant, anti-vaxxer (anti-vaccination), accept bizarre conspiracy theories, and reject expert medical advice. Set out below are[Read More...]