
Cancelling Cartoonists

On January 7, 2015, the staff of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo found themselves facing a form of cancel culture before it became fashionable in the Twaddle sphere.  It was of the most severe, lethal sort.  Twelve people were butchered and the fanatic’s credo asserted.  The assailants Chérif and Saïd Kouachi had been offended by the magazine’s cartoon depictions[Read More...]

Political Islam and Democracy Crisis in North Africa  

When the news circulated that Morocco’s leading political group, the Development and Justice Party (PJD), has been trounced in the latest elections, held in September, official media mouthpieces in Egypt celebrated the news as if the PJD’s defeat was, in itself, a blow to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood movement. Regionally, political commentators who dedicated much of their time to discredit[Read More...]

IMF Downgrades its Growth Forecast for Asia, says Covid Still ‘Ravaging’ the Region

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday downgraded its 2021 economic growth forecast for Asia after the Covid-19 delta variant caused a spike in cases in parts of the region. The IMF said it expects Asia’s economy to grow by 6.5% in 2021, compared with its April forecast for a 7.6% expansion. “The global COVID-19 pandemic is still ravaging the region,”[Read More...]

Why Is U.S. Military Spending Increasing to New, Outlandish Levels?

Although critics of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan to increase funding for U.S. education, healthcare, and action against climate catastrophe say the United States can’t afford it, there are no such qualms about ramping up funding for the U.S. military. This May, the Pentagon asked Congress to fund a $715 billion budget for Fiscal 2022—an increase of $10[Read More...]

Covid-19 vaccine distribution is a global disaster

“It’s like putting a Band-Aid over a gaping hole,” said Andrea Taylor of Duke University, discussing the rich countries of North America and Europe giving their own citizens Covid-19 vaccine boosters before the rest of the world gets their first shot. Covid-19 is a global pandemic. It respects no national boundaries and will continue to spread and mutate if it[Read More...]

Taliban is the winner at Moscow conference

The Moscow meeting of ten regional states and the Taliban officials on Wednesday has produced an outcome that by far exceeds expectations. The salience of the consensus opinion is four-fold, as reflected in the joint statement issued after the event:  regional recognition that Taliban government is a compelling “reality”; it is through constructive engagement that regional states should endeavour to influence Taliban;  a[Read More...]

Political representation of ethnic minorities in York’s political parties

The term ‘ethnicity’ carries a broad range of connotations. It is highly subjective and typically self-reported, and different organisations use different terms to describe ethnicity. I self-identify as a British Bangladeshi and a Catholic Christian. I’ve had the opportunity to observe how ethnic minorities are represented politically inside the York Labour Party. York Labour has a considerable and growing ethnic[Read More...]

Afghanistan, Taliban, Women and Pakistan

The situation in Afghanistan is yet to calm down. Women are facing hard time and threats. The Taliban are also wearing down with problems of governance. Internal Divisions, Even Resentment A Christian Science Monitor report, ‘Why did we fight?’ Challenge of governing is wearing down Taliban, by Scott Peterson on October 21, 2021 said: “The veteran Taliban fighter once strove[Read More...]

Biden gets predictability in Russia ties

Moscow has butted the grand old transatlantic alliance in the chest on Monday with the foreign ministry announcing that it will suspend the NATO military liaison mission with effect from November 1 and recall the accreditation of its staff in response to the NATO decision to withdraw the accreditation of eight Russian diplomats. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov curtly added, “if NATO has[Read More...]