
The Road Will Be Long And Bumpy: WEF On Post-pandemic Recovery

The World Economic Forum (WEF) warns: The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic may take years to reign in. The WEF has also sheds light on major concerns regarding the future from the globe’s economic elite. “Covid-19 and its economic and societal consequences continue to pose a critical threat to the world. Vaccine inequality and a resultant uneven economic recovery risk[Read More...]

The Rise of White Christian Nationalism in USA

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu The world lost a great moral leader this Christmas when Archbishop Desmond Tutu passed away at the age[Read More...]

Corrupt, Lying & Racist Australian Coalition Government Trashes Djokovic, Serbia, Sport & Human Rights

After granting World Number 1 men’s tennis player Novak Djokovic a visa,  the corrupt, racist and mendacious Australian Coalition Government waited until he had flown all the way to remote Australia before abruptly cancelling his visa and imprisoning the Serbian champion in an immigration detention centre used to indefinitely and highly abusively incarcerate men, women and children refugees without charge[Read More...]

Djokovic versus the Australian Commonwealth

January 10, 2022 will be remembered as one of the odder days in the annals of sport.  For one, it had little to do with physical exertion.  Tennis proved secondary to the claims of one Novak Djokovic, currently the world’s number one ranked player.  Instead of finding himself training on court in preparation for the Australian Open, he found himself[Read More...]

Fukushima Takes a Turn for the Worse

Tokyo Electric Power Company-TEPCO- has been attempting to decommission three nuclear meltdowns in reactors No. 1 No. 2, and No. 3 for 11 years now. Over time, impossible issues grow and glow, putting one assertion after another into the anti-nuke coffers. The problems, issues, enormous danger, and ill timing of deconstruction of a nuclear disaster is always unexpectedly complicated by[Read More...]

Kazakhstan crisis heightens instability in Central Asia

The political crisis in Kazakhstan, which began on January 2 with mass protests against gas price hikes, has become a focal point of geopolitical and social tensions across Central Asia. With the support of the Kremlin, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s government has cracked down on the protests with extraordinary violence, turning the country’s largest city, Almaty, into a war zone. Military checkpoints have[Read More...]

The Mauling of Novak Djokovic

Rarely can the treatment of a grand sporting figure by officialdom have caused such consternation.  Novak Djokovic, the tennis World Number One, has always had a tendency to get under skin and constitution, creating a large following of admirers and detractors.  But his current treatment by Australian authorities, and his subsequent detention as an unlawful arrival despite being granted a[Read More...]

Automation & (no) Future for Humanity

by Thomas Klikauer and Meg Young Most people in the so-called advanced world lives, as it seems, part of their daily existence with the Internet, smart phones, smart TVs, email, Twitter, YouTube, logging in to a company’s website where we are employed to be remote-controlled, etc.  Yet, outside of work and sometimes even while being online for work, plenty of[Read More...]

A World of Killer Robots?

Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Fight to Contain Them Here’s a scenario to consider: a military force has purchased a million cheap, disposable flying drones each the size of a deck of cards, each capable of carrying three grams of explosives — enough to kill a single person or, in a “shaped charge,” pierce a steel wall. They’ve been programmed[Read More...]