
Lots of noise over Ukraine, What we want is peace

Media are full of information and disinformation on Ukraine. Many of those are adding charges to the Ukraine situation, a few show activities to flare up war situation, and a few show a different situation. Following are a few media reports in brief: Ukraine Accuses U.S. of Hurting Its Economy Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said the U.S. was damaging his[Read More...]

Ukraine: Oval Office Invasion Yarn Runs Out of Fuel

Vienna, Austria: If there would be a Nobel Prize for negative innovations Pres. Biden and His Secy. of State Blinken would stand foremost qualified. Since the beginning of Cold War our world had heard that grand American yarn “Russians are coming”. Excepting for Afghanistan and a very short stay in Syria to break ISIS backbone, which they efficiently did, Russians[Read More...]

War beckons in Ukraine

Much is unclear about the situation in and around Ukraine. Does Putin really intend to invade all or part of Ukraine? Or is the buildup of Russian troops along Ukraine’s eastern and northern border, in Belarus as well as southern Russia, merely a means to exert pressure, demonstrate resolve, and win a few concessions from the West? Is the confrontation[Read More...]

Is Gandhi’s Talisman the guiding light to end vaccine inequity?

by Shobha Shukla & Bobby Ramakant In a world with over 7 billion people, more than 10 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered by the end of January 2022. But more than 3 billion people globally have not received even their first vaccine dose yet. Despite having enough of vaccine doses to protect the most at risk from COVID-19,[Read More...]

Contradicting US, Ukrainian President Zelensky denies Russian attack imminent

For weeks, Washington and its NATO allies have stoked a global war crisis with Russia, claiming that NATO must prepare to defend Ukraine from Russian invasion. Yesterday, in a stunning rebuke to NATO, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denied that a Russian invasion was imminent and asked NATO to dial down its war rhetoric. Yesterday morning, senior Ukrainian officials told CNN[Read More...]

Ukraine Crisis Demands Diplomacy and De-escalation, Not More Weaponry

Global crises abound—escalating war in Yemen, potential famine in Afghanistan, rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula, and uncertain prospects for a U.S. return to the Iran anti-nuclear deal. All of these challenges require skillful diplomacy, and that urgently applies to the situation in Ukraine. As PresidentJoe  Biden has ordered 8,500 U.S. troops in the region to be on high alert, Congress[Read More...]

Let’s Not Allow the Great Powers to Destroy the World

The vast destruction wrought by the atomic bombing of Japan in August 1945 should have been enough to convince national governments that the game of war was over. Wars have had a long run among rival territories and, later, nations, with fierce conflicts between Athens and Sparta, Rome and Carthage, Spain and Britain, and the combatants of World Wars I and II[Read More...]

Why It’s Time to Take the Russian-Led Military Alliance Seriously

The intervention by the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Kazakhstan marks a change for multinational security both regionally and around the world. The Russian-led military alliance, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), created headlines in January 2022 after 2,500 of its troops entered Kazakhstan to assist in restoring order during anti-government protests in the country. The troops, sent in to secure[Read More...]