World War

On the Brink of World War, Does the UN Still Have a Raison d’être?

Fifty years ago, Jamaican musician Jimmy Cliff sang: Well, they tell me of a pie up in the skyWaiting for me when I dieBut between the day you're born and when you dieThey never seem to hear even your crySo as sure as the sun will shineI'm gonna get my share now, what's mine. Today, […]
The post On the Brink of World War, Does the UN Still Have a Raison d’être? first appeared on CovertAction Magazine.

U.S.-and-Allied ‘News’-Media’s Corrupt Dangerousness Leading to WW III

Eric Zuesse Was Iraq a national-security threat to America? Why did America invade Iraq? Was Ukraine a national-security threat to Russia? Why did Russia invade Ukraine? Iraq had no nuclear weapons, and is 6,000 miles from America. It also had no military alliance, no alliance at all, with any country that endangers America. So, why […]

We need Douglas Macgregor for U.S. President.

Here is why:… Democrats, Republicans, and independents, all need this person in the U.S. White House. We are the American people; and he represents, more articulately than anybody else does, on the most urgent and important issue confronting the world, what all Americans — and all of the people in the world — need. […]

Who Opposed Nuking Japan?

“The Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.” —Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower “In 1945 Secretary of War Stimson, visiting my headquarters in Germany, informed me that our government was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Japan. I was one of those who felt that there … Continue reading "Who Opposed Nuking Japan?"

Mainstream Media Freaks out over New Anonymous Video Predicting WWIII

(ANTIMEDIA) The hacktivist group known as Anonymous is almost impossible to nail to the wall. The computer whizzes have undergone a huge transformation since their humble beginnings, and today the beast that once brought major corporate and government websites to their knees seems to be content growling in the shadows.