Workers Solidarity

Workers of India Declare Their Determination to Protect Not Just Their Rights but the Entire Economy as Well

If policies of crony capitalism, plunder of people and imperialist exploitation dominate the economic regime of a country, then along with the overall decline of the economy it is inevitable that workers of that country will have to suffer a lot. In such a situation workers and their unions will also have to assert themselves to protect their rights but[Read More...]

WHO/ILO study says nearly 2 million workers globally die from work-related issues each year

A new report, jointly issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) on work-related deaths for the year 2016, shows that workplace-related diseases and injuries led to the deaths of 1.9 million people in that year. The WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-Related Burden of Disease and Injury, 2000-2016, conducted before the outbreak of the[Read More...]

Construction Workers Try to Protect Rights Achieved After A Long Struggle

In the first week of August construction workers from several parts of the country organized protests in Delhi and submitted memorandum of their demands to the union government, including the Labor Minister and the Prime Minister. Although the number of those joining the protest was kept low keeping in view COVID related precautions regarding travel and gatherings, construction workers from[Read More...]

Despite Giving Good Results, Cess-Based Welfare of Workers Faces Uncertain Future

The overwhelming majority of workers in India are employed in the  informal sector where legal provisions for social security and welfare of workers have been weak and governments have also been unwilling or unable to commit the resources that are necessary for this. In such a situation specific cesses which have been levied on activities relating to a particular activity[Read More...]

Garment Workers Win $22 Billion in Historic Victory Against Wage Theft

The PayUp campaign has clawed back $22 billion from apparel companies owed to factories and workers, and they’re just getting started. In March 2020, Amanda Lee McCarty was laid off from her job. For years, she had been working in the fashion industry as a buyer and product developer. But as COVID-19 cases surged and lockdown orders were implemented across[Read More...]

Workers Need Immediate Relief and Wider Role for Trade Unions

Workers in India have suffered a lot in recent Covid times, particularly all the workers, migrants or others, who do not have security of employment and a regular salary. Nutrition levels for most of them were inadequate earlier too, but now these have suffered a further steep decline. Access to all other basic needs has also been adversely affected for[Read More...]

State & Big Capital As Buddy-Buddy: The Case Of Tata Steel

Writing in the March 26, 2012 issue of Outlook, Arundhati Roy talks of how since the middle of the first decade of this century, wherever Tisco has gone in search of an easy kill, whether in Chhattisgarh or in Orissa, violence against tribals whose lands the corporate giant sought to take over, has been the order of the day. Roy[Read More...]

The Bitter Taste of Sugar

’My mother was married off when she was 9 -10 years old. I was married off when I was 13 or so. I had to marry my daughter off when she was 15 or 16’, says Kusum (name changed). Kusum is a sugarcane cutter from Beed, who has to migrate every year from her drought-prone village in Marathwada to the[Read More...]
The post The Bitter Taste of Sugar appeared first on Countercurrents.

Morality and Immorality in Contemporary Politics

In the world of ideology free zone of politics, the question ‘of morality and immorality in popular and mainstream political traditions’ is becoming irrelevant. The incompetent governments, helpless states, visionless leadership, directionless politics, weak judiciaries and compliant media organisations are the net output of amoral and illiberal politics.  The moral critique of political system does not yield any electoral dividends[Read More...]