women's health

 Innovative financing for women’s health becomes vital when purse strings tighten

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of weak health systems that were ill prepared to withstand the onslaught of the pandemic. As documented by the Pulse survey of the WHO, the pandemic has resulted in disruption of essential health services, including sexual and reproductive health services, in most countries. Weak and perpetually poorly resourced health systems have escalated the[Read More...]

Healthy Snack Ideas: Quick & Easy Veggie Wrap!

Healthy Snack Ideas: Quick & Easy Veggie Wrap! Snacking Health Tips for Weight Loss & Nutrition
Certified Health Coach, Corrina Rachel, teaches you how to make a quick and healthy snack: are vegan!
In this video:
Easy Glide Kitchen Knives
Bamboo Cutting Boards by ChefsLimited
Squooshi Resusable Snack Packs

Leg Slim + Butt Lift Workout!

Leg Slim + Butt Lift Workout! 10 Minute Home Exercises for Beginners with Tiffany
This quick 10 minute workout will tone your legs, slim your inner thighs and bonus– lift your butt, too! It’s only ten mins, so no excuses! Work out with Tiffany at home for a fit, healthy body!
Visit Tiffany Blair Facebook Page
Tiffany’s Full Body Workout Series:
6 Minute Butt Lift Workout! At home Best Butt Exercises w/ Tiffany

Yes "Women's Issues" Is Still A Thing-- And MUST Be

In 1968 Phillip Morris launched a brand and marketing campaign targeting women... for death-- Virginia Slims: "You've come a long way, baby," which later morphed into "It's a woman thing." Women HAVE come a long way since then, a very, very long way. And women have more real economic and political power now than ever in recorded history. When a clown like Jeb Bush comes out and declares, in public, that unwed mothers should be publicly shamed, women count that against him.

Brandan Boyle-- Bipartisan When It Comes To One Thing: The Republican War Against Women

I'm no fan of conservative-leaning New Dem Allyson Schwartz. Earlier today, I mentioned in passing how she was one of the bought-out Wall Street shills who voted with the GOP for Bush's anti-family bankruptcy bill. But there is one area where no one can deny Schwartz's heroic stature and that's when it comes to women's issues. She has been staunchy pro-Choice and a leader in the fight for women's health issues, no small matter.