women in Gaza

Israel is Genociding Gaza. It’s far worse than anything I saw during two brutal Israeli wars on Gaza

Over one month into Israel’s ongoing genocide of Gaza, the massacres of Palestinians are so frequent, widespread and endless, it is a scale of horror that even I—having experienced two horrific Israeli wars on Gaza—cannot comprehend. Reports state that Israel has dropped an astounding 24,000 tons of explosives on the Gaza Strip, noting that is… Read More Israel is Genociding Gaza.

Israel slaps wrist of soldier for Gaza TikTok video, but allows (orders) countless others to fire on/kill Palestinian civilians without reprimand

Jan 30, 2022, RT.com -by Eva K Bartlett *Blog version longer than published version. Additional bits in Italics. Israel has apparently reprimanded a soldier for firing rounds into Gaza. That’s all very well, but what about the countless other soldiers who have done the same for years, maiming and killing Palestinian civilians?