
Greta Thunberg Goes Full Woke, Calls for “Overthrow of Whole Capitalist System”

The Doom Goblin has come of age, and with maturity (don't scoff) has come a widening of her political vision. No longer is she merely the teenager who "sees CO2", but she wants to overthrow the "whole capitalist system".
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PayPal is Still Threatening to Fine Users for “Misleading Information” as Well as “Hate” and “Intolerance”

PayPal removed the line about "misinformation" in its acceptable use policy but it's still there in its "restricted activities" section and it still threatens $2,500 fines for ill-defined "hate" and "intolerance".
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The Woke Bigots Ganging Up on GB News and Starving it of Advertising Revenue

GB News continues to suffer under an advertising boycott spearheaded by woke activist organisation Stop Funding Hate, as big corporations go along with the bigoted campaign that plays to the prejudices of their staff.
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U.S. TV Host Trevor Noah Blasted for Inventing a ‘Racist Backlash’ against Rishi Sunak

U.S. TV host Trevor Noah has been blasted for inventing a large-scale 'racist backlash' against Rishi Sunak, who became Britain's first non-white Prime Minister this week.
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Children Who Think They’re Transgender Are Probably Just Going Through a “Phase”, NHS Tells Doctors

Children who believe they are transgender are probably just going through a short-lived phase and 'social transitioning' should be discouraged, the NHS has told doctors.
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