US Nukes can be redeployed from Germany to Poland

In Germany, consideration has begun on replacing Tornado aircraft capable of carrying American B61 nuclear warheads. Alternatively, the F-18 and Eurofighter are considered. Defense Secretary Annegret Crump-Carrenbauer (CDU) has previously agreed with Pentagon chief Mark Esper to purchase 30 Boeing F / A-18F aircraft. The acquisition of 93 Airbus Eurofighter is also planned.

30 Years Later Iraq is Still About the Oil (..and gas!)

Submitted by Steve Brown…
US-State motives are always financial even when shrouded in ideological nonsense. The US military occupation of Iraq and its embassy there is not just for show. Problematic Key Leader Engagements happen for reasons. The end result being in US dollars* — or Emirati durham — or GBP sterling.  Unfortunately many people lose their lives over many years as a result of that pursuit.

OPCW Scandal: Scott Ritter on How History Repeated Itself with Syria

Leaked documents from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) suggest that high-level officials have indeed manipulated or ignored the empirical findings of its ground investigation team in Douma, Syria. Did the OPCW fail to maintain an adequate chain of custody when collecting evidence in Douma, and at other sites? Are the Western-funded and militant-aligned White Helmets a reliable and neutral source for such important evidence gathering?

INTERVIEW: Dr. Piers Robinson Discusses New OPCW Leak and Shifting Douma Narrative

Western governments are so deeply invested in the official ‘chemical weapons attack’ narrative that any new information which contradicts this could be viewed as a threat established policy. Such information has emerged recently, but incredibly, only one mainstream media outlet has reported on this crucial revelation.