Willie Brown

“Team Harris” gets press – but isn’t it Biden who wants to be President? [Video]

Sometimes, you get a perfect rundown of what is really going on in the world. As regards Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, this is one of the best early analyses of this pair of Presidential candidates. In fact, it is probably most accurate to say precisely that: This is a pair of presidential candidates, not a Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidate team.
Joe Biden has the first name on the ticket, but Kamala Harris, a Senator who didn’t make a decent showing in any Democrat primary, is being treated more like the presidential candidate than he is.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris duo delights liberals… but why? [Video]

I got in trouble with one of my dearest liberal friends today. A social media thread noted that some people were referring to Kamala Harris, “Joe Biden’s pick”** for Vice President going into the November elections, as a “Ho” (vernacular in English for the more rude form of the word “prostitute.”) I actually tried to stick up for not calling Senator Harris names (as a sure sign that one has the losing argument) and to instead insist on getting questions answered about policy – in particular, these questions:

Can You Tie Fascism To Plutocracy? You're Joking, Right?

No Bumps In The Road-- What More Do We Have To Say?Billionaire Steve Cloobeck-- a gross oinker in somewhat human form-- and his lovely wife Chantal have given immense sums of money to the Democratic Party and to conservativish Democratic candidates, a $1,000,000 check, for example, to a Hillary Clinton super PAC-- as well as assorted largesse to everyone's favorite Dems, like Joe Lieberman, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Kirsten Gillibrand (back in her anti-immigrant/pro-NRA days), Joe Crowley, Dick Gephardt...