William F. Buckley Jr.

Food Watch: Should a person give up peanut butter on account of Bill Buckley (or Charlton Heston)?

This custom label was made for William F. Buckley's lifetime supply of Red Wing, the peanut butter he declared "paradise on earth in a jar."by KenJust recently I read that some big-deal food person doesn't like peanut butter, and I just grin and bore it. I love peanut butter. In fact, as I expect I've mentioned, somewhere along life's journey I switched from childhood "smooth" allegiance to a full-fledged "crunchy" addiction.

American Conservative magazine wants you to know they are not anti-Semitic

By Michael HoffmanSome quotes from Mr. Scott McConnell, founding editor of  The American Conservative magazine (the publication which has banned advertising for our book Usury in Christendom), July-August 2014, pp. 22 and 24:“(William F.) Buckley is rightly credited with pushing hardcore anti-Semitism out of the American right. As recently as the 1950s, it was widespread on the right: one of the most popular conservative books of that decade was The Iron Curtain Over America, which purported to describe how Khazar Jews were taking over the Democratic Party. It went through 14 printings.

Can An Ad Win An Election?

Politics as a bloodsport even predates Ted Cruz immigrating to the United States. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr weren't dueling over a damsel. That video above may win a congressional seat for Carl Sciortino because people like the message. No, not especially the messages on the Blue America billboards based on the video, although those are popular messages in MA-05. But it is the message of comity between an unabashed progressive and a Tea Party member that makes it so compelling.