
Julian Assange en danger de mort dans sa prison : « Il est le symbole de la Démocratie »

Entretien du 25/11/2020 avec Marie-France Deprez, membre du comité Free Assange Belgium. Pour RT France, elle était invitée à s'exprimer à propos de l'explosion de cas de Covid-19 dans la prison de Belmarsh, où le lanceur d'alerte est détenu. Julian Assange est en isolement depuis son arrestation en avril 2019 dans des conditions extrêmement difficiles.


Wikileaks US Embassy cable warned of Smartmatic link to Venezuela

*****News Topic 168***** Classified US Embassy Cable Proves Smartmatic’s Connection to Venezuela Classified US Embassy Cable Proves Smartmatic’s Connection to Venezuela Copyright .© Paul Craig Roberts 2019.- Please contact us for information on syndication rights. This site offers factual information and viewpoints that might be useful in arriving at an understanding of the events of […]

Begging Outrage: British Journalists for Assange

Even that title strikes an odd note.  It should not.  The Fourth Estate, historically reputed as the chamber of journalists and publishers keeping an eye on elected officials, received a blast of oxygen with the arrival of WikiLeaks.  This was daring, rich stuff: scientific journalism in the trenches, news gathering par excellence.  But what Julian […]
The post Begging Outrage: British Journalists for Assange first appeared on Dissident Voice.

“The Guardian’s Silence has let the UK trample on Assange’s Rights in Effective Darkness”

WISE Up, a solidarity group for Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning, is due to stage a demonstration outside the Guardian offices on October 22 to protest the paper’s failure to support Assange as the US seeks his extradition in an unprecedented assault on press freedom. The date chosen for the protest marks the tenth anniversary of the […]