
Rafael Correa on Venezuela, Assange, and ‘preventing the total destruction of our homeland’

Max Blumenthal interviews former Ecuador President Rafael Correa, who was in Venezuela to observe its legislative elections and show support to a government under sustained economic and political attack by the US. Correa addresses issues ranging from the repression in his country under the watch of its outgoing neoliberal president, Lenin Moreno, to the persecution of Julian Assange and the role of a CIA contractor in targeting him and the Wikileaks founder. Blumenthal and Correa also discuss the prospect of […]

Julian Assange: Covid Risks and Campaigns for Pardon

Before the January 4 ruling of District Judge Vanessa Baraitser in the extradition case of Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks publisher will continue to endure the ordeal of cold prison facilities while being menaced by a COVID-19 outbreak.  From November 18, Assange, along with inmates in House Block 1 at Belmarsh prison in south-east London, were […]

The Slow-motion Assassination of Julian Assange

Another Iranian nuclear scientist has been assassinated. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed by an elaborately planned and executed ambush. The complexity of the attack and the resources required to carry it out strongly indicate a state actor. Fingers of blame quickly pointed at a likely assassin: Israel. The United States was probably in some form of […]
The post The Slow-motion Assassination of Julian Assange first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Planet Cannot Begin to Heal Until We Rip the Mask off the West’s War Machine

Making political sense of the world can be tricky unless one understands the role of the state in capitalist societies. The state is not primarily there to represent voters or uphold democratic rights and values; it is a vehicle for facilitating and legitimating the concentration of wealth and power into fewer and fewer hands. In […]

Julian Assange en danger de mort dans sa prison : « Il est le symbole de la Démocratie »

Entretien du 25/11/2020 avec Marie-France Deprez, membre du comité Free Assange Belgium. Pour RT France, elle était invitée à s'exprimer à propos de l'explosion de cas de Covid-19 dans la prison de Belmarsh, où le lanceur d'alerte est détenu. Julian Assange est en isolement depuis son arrestation en avril 2019 dans des conditions extrêmement difficiles.
