
UK judge justifies CIA spying on Assange citing debunked CNN report based on… CIA spying

UK judge Vanessa Baraitser justified CIA spying on Julian Assange by citing a falsehood-filled CNN report. Her judgment highlighted corporate media’s enthusiastic role in a state-sponsored assault on press freedom. The British judge ruling in the US government’s extradition case against journalist Julian Assange justified a CIA spying operation targeting both the WikiLeaks publisher and the Ecuadorian government by pointing to debunked accusations published by CNN. Yet in a self-referential loop, the American media outlet’s dubious claims about Assange themselves […]

“It’s not as bad as Iwo Jima, I suppose”: The Julian Assange Extradition Verdict

The barrister-brewed humour of Edward Fitzgerald QC, one of the solid and stout figures defending a certain Julian Assange of WikiLeaks at the Old Bailey in London, was understandable.  Time had worn and wearied the parties, none more so than his client.  Fitzgerald had asked for water, but then mused that its absence could hardly […]

La justice britannique refuse l’extradition de Julian Assange vers les États-Unis

La décision est tombée lundi matin. La justice britannique refuse l’extradition de Julian Assange vers les États-Unis. Le combat judiciaire du fondateur de Wikileaks n’est pas pour autant terminé. Les autorités américaines ont notifié le tribunal de leur intention de faire appel de la décision rendue par la juge Vanessa Baraitser. Si cette dernière a […]

“No Victory for Press Freedom” – Assange Wins Case but Judge Sets Worrying Precedent

Julian Assange will not be extradited to the United States as many feared, but his fate still hangs in the balance as it was the integrity of his mental health, not the right to a free press, that saved him.
The post “No Victory for Press Freedom” – Assange Wins Case but Judge Sets Worrying Precedent appeared first on MintPress News.

Assange wins. The cost: Press freedom is crushed, and dissent labelled mental illness

The unexpected decision by Judge Vanessa Baraitser to deny a US demand to extradite Julian Assange, foiling efforts to send him to a US super-max jail for the rest of his life, is a welcome legal victory, but one swamped by larger lessons that should disturb us deeply. Those who campaigned so vigorously to keep […]

Affaire WikiLeaks : la justice britannique refuse l'extradition d'Assange vers les États-Unis

La justice britannique a rejeté lundi la demande d'extradition du fondateur de WikiLeaks Julian Assange vers les Etats-Unis, qui veulent le juger pour espionnage après la publication de centaines de milliers de documents confidentiels. "Terroriste high tech" ou héros traqué de la liberté d'informer, le fondateur de WikiLeaks Julian Assange, réclamé par les Etats-Unis qui veulent le juger pour espionnage, fait figure d'ardent défenseur de la transparence à tout prix, dont (...)
