white working class voters

The White Working Class Is Not Sold On Biden, But Will It Abandon Trump In The COVID-Election?

Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg recently watched a series of focus groups of white working class voters in rural Wisconsin, the Mahoning Valley region in Ohio, northern Maine and suburban Macomb County, Michigan, all swing areas where Trump did well. Vote-rich Macomb County, for example, gave Trump a 53.6-42.1% victory over Hillary in 2016, after going for Obama both times he ran.

Are You Ready To See The Democratic Party Turn Its Back On The Working Class Entirely-- Without A Fight?

I can't believe what I'm seeing with my own eyes-- and it's playing out glacially-- but the Democrats and Republicans seem to be switching their essences again. Remember, from history books, when the Democrats were the bad guys defending slavery and the Republicans were the anti-slavery party?

The Democratic Party And Working Class Voters-- Post NAFTA

How can Democrats not CRUSH someone who voters describe this way?The American Prospect published an excellent series of essays this week that should have been published by the DNC, DSCC and DCCC, three hopeless organizations refusing to pull their collective virtual heads out of their asses after a decade of letting down the American people while they concentrate of the mostly worthless careers of their o

Will The Democrats Repeat The Same Mistakes That Burdened Us With Trump And A Right-Wing Congress?

Kim Moody took a deep dive into Trumpland in terms of who voted for him.She doesn’t see the same “huge defection of angry, white, blue-collar workers in the Rust Belt from their traditional Democratic voting patterns” having handed the White House over to Trump, although he certainly won Rust Belt states— the traditionally red one, Indiana, plus 3 traditionally blue ones— Wiscon

Pie In The Sky-- White Workers Put Their Future In The Hands Of Donald Trump

Last week Noah introduced DWT readers to union activist Joe Hill for a quote he's most famous for, made just before he was executed by a firing squad, "Don't waste any time mourning. Organize!"Hill was a Swedish immigrant who, age 23, came to the U.S. in 1902. He was a day laborer and rose in the ranks of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World, AKA- the Wobblies).