White Supremacists

Has Trump forever changed America?

US President Donald Trump’s decision to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court will likely forever change America.
Any nation-shaping decision that comes down to the discretion of Trump and his loyal consultants and allies is a terrifying prospect indeed. Ultimately, we will see if this decision is simply an unfortunate bump in the road, or a disastrous and nation-altering one.

Is Antifa the Answer to an Effective Anti-Fascist Movement?

In March, Richard Spencer, a prominent white supremacist, canceled his speaking engagements at U.S. universities, saying he was deterred by “antifa,” a loose international network of radical anti-fascist groups that aims to shut down far-right talks and rallies. For antifa members and supporters, Spencer’s capitulation was both vindication of their aggressive tactics and a sign of their success in opposing fascism.

Documents Prove Police Conspired With Neo-Nazis to Arrest Anti-Racist Activists

(ANTIMEDIA) Sacramento, CA — Three anti-racist activists are accusing California police and prosecutors of a “cover-up and collusion” with white supremacists during their investigation of a rally that turned violent back in 2016, the Guardian reported Friday. The activists, who attended the Sacramento rally to counter-protest the message of the Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP), the neo-Nazi group that organized the original event, were arrested and charged […]

State of the Union: Trump pats himself on the back

There is nothing the American public treasures more than appearance.
When Trump made his way to deliver a mediocre State of the Union address in front of some of the most ineffective employees our country possesses, he knew all he had to do was appear Presidential.
And the results are in: According to a CBS survey immediately after his speech, 75 per cent of those who watched approved of the one-hour self-congratulatory session.
Any person with even a sliver of knowledge regarding American history would have bet in favor of this outcome.

It’s Time to Stop Pretending ‘Free Speech’ Rallies Are Actually About Free Speech

(TFC Op-ed) — As white supremacists of all sorts rebrand, they still cling to the concept of “free speech rallies”. Do you notice how they don’t invite groups opposed to them to speak? Do you notice all of the speakers are of the alt-right or alt-light variety? Do you notice the blatant racism? The rallies aren’t about free speech. They never were. They’re about getting stupid people to defend them and to side with them based on a buzzword.

Beaten Charlottesville Protester Sues Over Deliberate Police Inaction

A man who says he was pepper-sprayed, doused with urine and beaten with canes during the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has sued the city and state police chiefs, claiming their officers purposefully stood down during the violence.
Robert Sanchez Turner, 33, brought the federal complaint on Aug. 31 against Charlottesville, its Police Chief Al Thomas Jr., and State Police Superintendent Col. W. Steven Flaherty.