White Supremacists

Cancel Culture Attacks on ‘White Privilege’ Will Trigger Tragedy Down the Road

Being born White these days comes with a lot of excess baggage. Instead of each human being coming into existence with a clean slate, so to speak, a Caucasian newborn (who exactly qualifies as ‘White’ is another question) is brought into the world carrying the stain of its ancestors’ transgressions, of which, we are constantly reminded, are infinite and unforgivable.

Media Race-Baiting Americans With ‘White supremacy’ Conspiracy Theories to Hide Class Strife

The establishment gatekeepers of the mainstream media are fronting White supremacists as the scourge of the land. Yet this movement must have gone deep underground because members of this pale-faced clan are incredibly difficult to track down.
Following the trajectory of Hurricane Whitey as it makes landfall and gradually turns the once lush and verdant American landscape a lighter shade of pale, one can only wonder from where this force of noxious white power first arose. Or is it just a figment of the mainstream media’s excitable imagination?

Maybe Fox Should Extend Tucker Carlson's Exile To... Forever

Fox News sent Tucker Carlson away on a little unannounced vacation until the heat dies down on his white nationalist TV show. Most normal people didn't know Fox was running a nightly KKK rally in prime time until the media exploded in a frenzy about Carlson's claim that White Supremacy is nothing but a hoax, immediately after the white supremacist mass murders in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTrump may not hate everything about what America has become. We know he loves unfettered corporate greed. He's not alone in that. We know he loves the KKK's "very fine people" and every other white supremacy group in the land, especially the ones who killed Heather Heyer and two Virginia state troopers in Charlottesville. Last week he again re-tweeted the words of a fellow white supremacist.