White House dysfunction

No One Let Christie Finish

As the legal authorities close in on Trump, Kushner-in-law has been trying his best to keep away from the media and out of sight. Today Guardian reporters Ed Pilkington and Martin Pengelly reminded everyone who and what he is: Chris Christie accuses Jared Kushner of political 'hit job' in explosive new book. He doesn't want to go to prison like his father did and his father-in-law soon may.

Remember When Señor Trumpanzee Loved "His" Generals?

I think Trump finally figured out that none of the generals love him and that none would fit into his schemes. It appears that Michael Flynn testified against him and his crooked offspring. And he wound up firing James Mattis, John Kelly and H.R. McMaster after dragging each one of them through the mud and tarnishing their careers with their proximity to his stench.

2018 In Review: Gen. John Kelly Is Out. Mick Mulvaney Is In. Who’s Next? The Whole World Is Watching, Part 2

by NoahGen. John Kelly is gone. Trump's former Chief of Staff, a man of such low character that only the character of Trump himself could make his look better by comparison, had finally had enough. Working with the criminally insane has to be one of the most stressful jobs imaginable and as bad as he is, and was, who knows what horrors Kelly might have managed to derail. Imagine how bad an act has to be for someone like Kelly to disapprove of it.Mick Mulvaney is the new White House Chief Of Staff, make that Acting Chief Of Staff.

The Halfway Mark In The Worst U.S. Administration Ever-- As Trump Skips Off To Meet With Putin

Maybe Trump will find solace tomorrow tangoing in the arms of his Russian master, but everything at home is collapsing around his ears-- as should be expected by the country when someone of Trump’s calibre and lack of preparation, apptitude and qualifications is elected (sort of) to the highest office in the land-- and then allowed, by a supine Congress, to run amuck.