White Helmets al Qaeda

Eva Bartlett on Syria: myths, media lies, and realities. Imperialism on Trial, Birmingham

Eva Bartlett speaks about the Imperialist war on Syria, looking at myths and media lies on Syria.

This was one of several speeches at Imperialism on Trial, in Birmingham, the third night of the tour.
Panel included:
-The former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford
-Professor Peter Kuznick, co-author (w Oliver Stone) of the Untold History of the United States
-Michael Pike, member of Veterans for Peace, poet.

Addressing The Rebel’s Distorted and Lying Report on The Toronto (2018) Al Quds Day Protest

On Al Quds Day in Toronto, Canadians from many faiths and backgrounds came out in solidarity with Palestinians who have been and continue to be brutally oppressed by Israel. Notably, in recent months elite Israeli army snipers have gunned down unarmed Palestinian protesters, including medics, photographers, children.
Corporate media describes these as ‘clashes’ and thrusts blame on Palestinians, who are protesting for their basic human rights.