
Lee Camp: With $21 Trillion Unaccounted For, Pentagon Whistleblowers Please Form a Line

Opinion — Between 1998 and 2015 the Pentagon has failed to account for $21 trillion in taxpayer money. Michigan State Professor Mark Skidmore and a team of graduate students discovered this when poring over documents for the Department of Defense and Housing and Urban Development. The analysis was done using publicly available information from the respective government agencies — though, after the story broke, these documents were no longer freely available to the public.

In The Western World Truth Is An Endangered Species

Nowhere in the Western world is truth respected. Even universities are imposing censorship and speech control. Governments are shutting down, and will eventually criminalize, all explanations that differ from official ones. The Western world no longer has a print and TV media. In its place, there is a propaganda ministry for the ruling elite.
Whistleblowers are prosecuted and imprisoned despite their protection by federal statute. The US Department of Justice is a Department of Injustice. It has been a long time since any justice flowed from the DOJ.