
Again, whale slaughter, again Japan

Japanese whalers returned to port Monday with their first catch after resuming commercial whaling for the first time in 31 years. Whaling and consuming whale meat is a long-cherished goal of traditionalists. They see whaling as largely a lost cause amid slowing demand for the meat and changing views on conservation. A fleet of five boats brought back two minke[Read More...]

A Rolling Stone Never Collects Moss — Unless it ends up on Oregon’s Coast

It is hoped that the coming generation will recognize that that is probably one of the greatest and most ennobling challenges that face man on this planet today. To be able to break through to understand the thinking, the feeling, the doing, the talking of another species is a grand, noble achievement that will change man’s view of himself and of his planet.

Whaling Contradictions

It has been a long and drawn out affair. For years, Australian environmental activists and political figures have had the Japanese whaling program in their sights.  Every year, between 500 to 1000 whales are slain under a permit program ostensibly authorised by the International Whaling Convention.  The IWC has been a strange creature. It regulates whale hunting, yet has effectively tried stifling commercial hunting by limiting the catch levels to zero since 1986.