Western Media

Hounding the Bear: Hybrid Methodology of Containing Russia

Bear-hounding is a hunting technique, in which a pack of dogs pursues a bear until exhaustion—at that point the hunter can make his kill. And that is to what Karen Shakhnazarov, a well-known Russian filmmaker of Armenian origin, compared Russia’s predicament in the current geopolitical situation. The bear analogy in Russia’s case is a contrived and, often, derogatory … Continue reading Hounding the Bear: Hybrid Methodology of Containing Russia

Two Million Syrian Christian Population Being Exterminated by ISIL

Since the terrorists have swept the secularists aside, Christian Syrians–long protected by Assad—are now being “disappeared” by the millions.  By the millions!  Of the 1.8 million Christians that lived peacefully under Assad before the Arab Spring, only 400,000 Christians still live in intact communities in Syria today. The rest are either dead or fled–we know not where.

It’s time the West joins Russia in protecting Christians in the Middle East
 by William Weding

Putin and the Press: The Demonology School of Journalism

Image: Courtesy Fort Russ
by James Petras
            The major influential western print media are engaged in a prolonged, large-scale effort to demonize Russian President Putin, his politics and persona.  There is an article (or several articles) every day in which he is personally stigmatized as a dictator, authoritarian, czar, ‘former KGB operative’ and Soviet-style ruler; anything but the repeatedly elected President of Russia.

State Propaganda? Realities of the Russian Media Landscape

The trope of ‘Russian state propaganda’ in mainstream Western media is a persistent one, especially as of late. This continued focus expresses one’s own loss of control as older cable-news models are in decline, the media landscape becomes more diverse, and various web platforms allow younger savvy users to locate alternative information sources. This kind of repetitive … Continue reading State Propaganda? Realities of the Russian Media Landscape