Wendy Reed

The DCCC Refuses To Lift A Finger To Help, But Meet The Democrat Working To Replace Kevin McCarthy

Blue America endorsed Bill Ostrander in the 9 person race for the Santa Barbara/San Luis Obispo CA-24 congressional seat. He ran a strong issues-oriented campaign, very much in line with Bernie's political revolution, to which he ascribed. He wasn't left standing on election night and voters in the 24th will have to pick between a garden variety careerist Democrat or a corruption-tainted GOP extremist.

Why Don't Conservative Democrats Debate?

The Democratic establishment insisted on pushing doddering and conservative relic Ted Strickland as the Ohio Senate nominee. Strickland was too scared to debate his young and intellectually vigorous opponent, PG Sittenfeld-- he never did-- and now he's facing a situation where he is unprepared to debate his Republican opponent, Rob Portman. In the end, Strickland beat Sittenfeld by a landslide, 720,336 to 248,776, and taking part in the series of debates-- or even one debate-- Sittenfeld challenged him to do, wouldn't have changed the outcome.

Old Cuban Saying About The GOP: "Show Me Who Your Friends Are And I Will Tell You Who You Are"

Lindsey Graham faced up to the reality of Trump's victory over the GOP and urged Florida millionaires he met with just over a week ago to back the party's bizarre nominee. Then came the crazy reaction to Judge Curiel and ole Lindsey faced up to a different kind of reality-- a GOP Dunkirk this fall.

What Else Do Donald Trump, Patrick Murphy, Kevin McCarthy And Debbie Wasserman Schultz Have In Common?

Chicken Trump has perfected a snarl as a defense mechanismSure, all 3 squirrely Florida self-promoters own homes on the east coast of the Sunshine State, but that's not the answer today; it leaves off McCarthy. Today is about the fear of being exposed in a public debate. Did Trump actually debate when he was up on stage at the 17 ring circus during primary season?

Will Bernie Inspire Enough California Voters To Help Wendy Reed Take Down Another Establishment Republican Leader?

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy graduated from the California Assembly to Congress in 2006 and with 71% of the vote. Two years later he had 100% and 2 years after that 99%. The DCCC has long been in the habit of giving McCarthy a free pass. In 2012 he had some token local opposition and was reelected with 73% and last time, it was the same story and a 75% win. And, no, he's not that popular. The DCCC just ignores him, the way they ignore all Republican leaders.