Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo CEO at Senate Banking Committee: Five Takeaways

Part two of Elizabeth Warren's grilling of Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. The person Warren refers to at the start is Carrie Tolstedt, the Wells Fargo senior executive who managed the scheme. by Gaius PubliusI want to revisit the testimony of John Stumpf, Wells Fargo CEO, before the Senate Banking Committee, even though it was covered in these pages here.

Wells Fargo's Gutless Leadership-- America Needs More Elizabeth Warrens, Fewer Richard Shelbys and Sean Duffys

This morning, the Senate Banking Committee questioned Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf about his company's on-going fraud scandal. There are 12 Republicans and 10 Democrats on the committee. 15 of them have taken over $2 million each in bribes from the banksters since beginning their careers in federal government. With the possible exception of Sherrod Brown, none of these people, regardless of party, should be the investigators or questioners.