Wells Fargo

Systemic Racism At Wells Fargo & Microsoft

Here’s a letter the US Labor Department sent to Wells Fargo recently. (I had to screenshot it in parts, which is why it’s broken up here):

The Labor Department sent a similar letter to Microsoft:

There is no chance at all that a Biden administration Labor Department would investigate major corporations for anti-white discrimination. Keep that in mind. Naturally, there has been negative press coverage. For example:

Thanks to Obama and Trump, America’s Five Largest Banks Raked in $583 Billion Since 2008 Crash

“With no jail time for executives and half a trillion in post-crisis profits, the big banks have made out like bandits during the post-crash period.” (CD) — The 2008 financial meltdown inflicted devastating financial and psychological damage upon millions of ordinary Americans, but a new report released by Public Citizen on Tuesday shows the Wall Street banks that caused the crash with […]

Wells Fargo-- The Anti-Medical Marijuana Bank-- Strikes Again

There was some excellent news out of Florida, where the primaries are next Tuesday. The progressive in the race, Tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum, is surging into first place. A new poll shows him with 33% while his two closest rivals, conservatives Gwen Graham and Philip Levine are each down to 22% and the other progressive in the race, Jeff Greene, is languishing at 10%.

What's The Matter With New Jersey?

Elizabeth Warren is from Oklahoma and got politically active when she had already moved to Massachusetts. Watch the video of her speaking to Wells Fargo’s chief executive Timothy Sloan at the Senate Banking Committee yesterday. She's my idea of a great senator. "At best," she told the immensely powerful and corrupt bankster, "you were incompetent, and at worst, you were complicit. Either way, you should be fired." Can New Jersey politics produce a political leader like Elizabeth Warren? Unfortunately, no. So... what's the matter with New Jersey?The simple answer is...

Paul Ryan's And Trumpy-the-Clown's Vision For America Is Very Dark And Horrifyingly Kafka-esque

You may well have woken up yesterday to Señor Trumpanzee's tweet (below), taking-- or at least sharing-- the "credit" with congressional Republicans obsessed with destroying the consumer protections the Democrats made some terminative steps towards implementing-- despite obstruction from the corrupt Blue Dogs and even more corrupt New Dems from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- while they were in power.

Banks Spent A Staggering 2 Billion Dollars On Lobbying During 2016 US Election

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, before the House Financial Services Committee investigating Wells Fargo’s opening of unauthorized customer accounts.
Banks and other financial companies expecting to make more than US$200 billion from anticipated deregulation laws spent record amounts on lobbying in the last election cycle, according to an advocacy group report released Wednesday.