
Vid SJWs From Tavistock, Project BLUEBIRD and Laurel Canyon (Half)

In this talk I analyze Daniel Estulin’s book, The Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses and its profound conclusions. From the “corporate man” to the control of unions by the Rockefellers, the Tavistock plan of mind control and social engineering knows no bounds. Pro sports and pop culture, Beatles and LSD – as well as all of modern living have been shaped by this deep state cult.

Letter to Daniel Marlow on Exponent Error

On June 29, I sent a letter to Ted Wells, notifying him of the erroneous description of key figures in the Exponent report, but did not receive any acknowledgement.  In the presumption that Daniel Marlow of Princeton is more likely to be concerned about the erroneous research record (as well as having obligations that the research record be properly presented) I sent him a similar letter today, copying lawyers Daniel Goldberg and Jeffrey Kessler.

Dear Dr Marlow,